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Health and Social Care Qualifications

Our qualifications in Health and Social Care follow our Awarding Body specification and guidance. What makes us unique though is the passion and commitment for excellence, nurtured by our staff from day one. 

We understand Care beyond books and tutorials, we have experienced Care first hand and so we understand the challenges of the industry. Our promise to each learner is that we will be with them every step of the way, advising them towards career progression, ensuring their mental health is preserved and promoted above all, enabling a stress-free environment. 

We offer qualifications at every level starting with Care Certificate, to Level 5. Whether you are starting up your care journey or had been managing for many years, this learning experience will give you the affirmation you need and desire and will most definitely gain you invaluable knowledge and skills. 

Our staff is fully qualified and with years of experience behind. Rest assured that you will achieve your qualification in the agreed timeframe; we are also positive about the world of opportunities that will open up as a result of this wonderful learning experience. Our staff will also advise and guide you around achieving the best outcome in the workplace which includes equipping you with the skills to become the best at your job, whatever the level.

Embark on this journey, and you will make the first step in becoming a better carer/ team leader or manager, in being recognised for your commitment and hard work through a better pay and promotion opportunities, in becoming more confident and knowledgeable. 


